Nordlia 17 cottage

Address: Nordlia 17, 2636 Øyer
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Directions: Check-in for the Nordlia cabins takes place at Hafjell Hotell, Hundervegen 33. After you have received the key to the cabin, drive in the direction of Hafjell Alpinsenter on Hundervegen approximately 600 metres. Turn left onto Gamlevegen, drive approximately 430 meters and turn right onto Nordlia, drive approximately 200 meters.

Here you will find the Nordlia cabins.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 61.2392183811648
Longitude: 10.4508316730132
Latitude: 61° 14' 21"
Longitude: 10° 27' 3"

Begrenset kapasitet

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Har du spørsmål?

61 28 55 50

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Har du spørsmål?

61 28 55 50

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