Bergstad cabin 16

Address: Hundervegen 152, 2636 Øyer
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Directions: Bergstad cabins are located 1.1km from Hafjell Hotell. There you check in and get a key to a reserved cabin. Drive south on Hundervegen. You pass Hafjell alpine center continue ahead and about 200 meters on the left you will find the cabin. Free parking outside the accommodation.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 61.2314840374548
Longitude: 10.4476547241211
Latitude: 61° 13' 53"
Longitude: 10° 26' 52"

Begrenset kapasitet

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Har du spørsmål?

61 28 55 50

Begrenset kapasitet

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Har du spørsmål?

61 28 55 50

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